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About the Kentucky Horse Council

Mission:The Kentucky Horse Council is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated, through education and leadership, to the protection and development of the Kentucky equine community.

The Kentucky Horse Council is the official affiliate of the American Horse Council, located in Washington, DC, a national organization representing all segments of the horse industry.

Any resident of Kentucky can be a member of the Kentucky Horse Council. In addition, horse clubs and horse-related businesses can also join and take advantage of membership benefits which support club growth and activities, and support the health and vitality of our horse businesses.

How is the Kentucky Horse Council funded? The Kentucky Horse Council's operating funds come primarily from the specialty license plate featuring the foal lying in the grass. Each time a resident purchases a plate, the Horse Council is allocated a payment fee. The Kentucky Horse Council license plate is the ONLY specialty plate which can be purchased for both individual and farm vehicles.

In addition, the Kentucky Horse Council pursues additional sources of funds, working with equine industry partners, which we put right back into statewide horse programs.

How does the Kentucky Horse Council use its funds? 

ENews: Our weekly Kentucky Horse News is popular with hundreds of horsemen in Kentucky. It provides news and announcements both within the state and nationally which keep our horsemen up to date on events, federal legislation, racing news, unwanted horse issues, and more.

Equine Association Support: Many equine associations in Kentucky have joined the Kentucky Horse Council as association members, which provides them priority attention from the Horse Council and also allows all of their members to be complementary members of the Horse Council, receiving all benefits of a paid membership (except insurance).

Humanitarian Aid to Horses: the Kentucky Horse Council has several health and welfare programs to assist at-risk horses. Our programs educate law enforcement, animal control officers and other equine professionals on how to investigate equine neglect while following Kentucky state statutes. Through the Save Our Horses (SoHo) fund, the KHC also provides feed and hay assistance to owners in financial need or confiscated horses when they are seized by the county. In addition the KHC helps collect and deliver hay, feed and equine supplies to horse owners in the Commonwealth who have been affected by natural disasters like tornadoes and floods. The KHC also has strong alliances with equine rescues in the state..

Legislative Efforts: Our legislative efforts involve taking publicized positions and distributing advocacy statements to Kentucky's state legislators. 

Agricultural Industry Presence: The Kentucky Horse Council participates actively in the Kentucky Livestock Coalition, the Kentucky Agriculture Council and the Equine Committee of Kentucky Farm Bureau. KHC also has good relationships with the KY Department of Agriculture and the State Veterinarian's Office.

How is the Kentucky Horse Council organized? The Horse Council is governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of 12 to 23 representatives from all aspects of the horse industry. The board meets bi-monthly. KHC staff consists of an Executive Director and multiple contracted positions for membership, marketing and other administrative duties. 

Committees shape the direction of KHC-administered programs. Committees are open to all active members of the Horse Council. Learn more about the KHC committees here.

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Office: 859-367-0509


Fax: 866-618-3837


4037 Iron Works Parkway

 Suite 120

Lexington, Kentucky 40511

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